Free-Standing Basin by
Tedi Tuttle Wixom 5/21/12
Copper basin, oh
copper basin freestanding and tall
at least three feet in height; heavily budded tendrils
woven as
large lattice panels on the basin--used for
bathing, hand washing, or washing dust from
weary feet Burnished art beneath of daisy on daisy
on lily under dotted buds with glossy copper, on
background of tiny flowers dot to dot around
heart-shaped petals flowing together forever
from a mirror above reveals in-
side of a five-row pattern of rosettes
lilac-like leaves 40 around and
more ending in blossoms
next level
a stem
of art--again
smooth petals
on rough back
daisy daisy
tooled hearts on
background appearing
sandlike in texture, but in reality
flower patterns around and around in
intricate fashion for all to see and know
the true designer is the God that dwells inside.
flower patterns around and around in
intricate fashion for all to see and know
the true designer is the God that dwells inside.