Friday, August 31, 2012

To the Moon Alice! To the Sun Mr. Obama!

To the Moon Alice! To the Sun Mr. Obama! January 29, 2012 by Tedi Wixom Aug. 31, 2012

Remember on The Honey Mooners with Jackie Gleason as Ralph?
When he was displeased with his wife, Alice?
He’d double up his fist and say, “To the Moon Alice! To the Moon!”
Oh really! How about “To the Sun Mr. Obama, To the Sun!”

The sun is about 93 million miles from Earth.
That is nearly 100,000,000 miles away – 100 million!

Now let’s compare miles to dollars for visualization.
I could travel roundtrip in miles to the Sun and back 5 times
To equal 1,000,000,000 (billion) miles – only 1 billion!
Now think of this as dollars.

However, our national debt is just over
15,000,000,000,000 dollars – that is 15 trillion!
I could travel approximately 75,000 times roundtrip
To the Sun and back to Earth again in miles.
That is why I believe a balanced budget is good.

Mr. Obama says being in debt to China is more important
Than taking responsibility for our national debt..
“To the Sun Mr. Obama – 75,000 times. To the Sun!!”
Who wants to join me in wishing him happy bon voyage?

Does this number representing our National Debt seem possible?
Mr. Obama is caring for each of us, (the father of our nation)
So we will never have to worry our pretty little heads about
Awful, nasty, national decisions like the US spending, debt, or budgets.

“Who wants a budget anyway? These are the modern times,” he croons.
“No need for things that sound so inconvenient or old fashioned.
Go to your homes; all is well. I am so popular that I can fix everything!
Plus, I am very suave, handsome, and brainy--I did attend Harvard!” (Wink wink.)

“All the social programs I implement will be for your wellbeing, because you are . . .
I didn’t mean to say stupid, naive, middleclass, or poor, oh no-no-no I would never
Say that out loud for anyone to hear, because I can relate. Been there, done that!
But for today, I am your King! You are my loyal subjects, so fork over the taxes.”

 I say, “To the Sun Mr. Obama. To the Sun!”

(NOTE: August 31, 2012. National Debt is now 16 Trillion)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Noah Built an Ark, song

Noah Built an Ark by Tedi Tuttle Wixom 3/23/1991, transcribed 3/28/12
To be sung to Mozart’s Turkish March

Noah built an ark
By the Lord’s command
And he blessed the animals
To gather in the land
And they marched up to the mighty ark
And bowed to Noah’s hand.
There were horses, cattle, and some goats.
Eagles, egrets, flamingos, hawks, and doves
Elephants, rhinos, hippos, buffaloes
Tigers, jaguars, cougars, no one shove.
Honey bees in swarms; snakes in Noah’s arms
Ham, Shem, Japheth showed their guests
The rooms where they would park
And the animals came marching, crawling,
Flying into the great big ark.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

My Heart

My Heart by Tedi Tuttle Wixom 4/29/99, transcribed 2/28/12

My heart pumps gallons of blood
Throughout my entire body every day.
The blood is flowing, receiving oxygen.
It goes and flows on and on
Giving life, keeping me alive.

Have I ever said, “Thank you,”
To God for this miracle?

Today, I say, “Thank you
For all the intricate things
I don’t comprehend and yet,
I continue breathing
Without thinking about my breathing
In and out, in and out
With my heart pumping,
Whooshing the blood along,
     Along it’s way.”

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Die TV Die!

Die TV Die! By Tedi Tuttle Wixom 5/4/99 transcribed 2/27/12

Obituaries are packed with friends
And neighbors lying dead of heart attacks.
Why? Why in America are we insistent
Upon rushing headlong into the jaws of death?
Why can’t we relax? Why can’t we rest?
We need more rest and more silent time.
We need a few friends who are humans
Not merely Mr. Computer, Mr. TV, and Mr. Internet.

We all have the same hours in a day.
Time is a precious commodity.
I need a prescription for ocean waves to soothe my soul,
More barefoot time in the sand,
And less news to cause information overload.
Perhaps, if I cut the cables, wires, and electricity,
I could regain my senses and sensibility.
Die TV die!

I need to feel fresh mown grass on bare feet, or
Sun streaming across my face as the sun disappears
On the Oquirrh Mountains as I gaze west, while
Tossing pebbles in the Great Salt Lake.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mother Wore a Cowboy Hat

Mother Wore a Cowboy Hat by Tedi Tuttle Wixom March 10, 2012

Over the years my mother wore various types of hats.
Her mother designed and made fancy ladies’ hats
Mother’s favorite headgear was a regular cowboy hat
And she possessed several of those amazing hats:
Beige felt, yellow straw, and an awesome white cowboy hat.
These three were dressy with a feather, for work, and everyday hats

In the summer she wore a wide-brimmed straw hat,
One that sported a pink ribbon around-the-base of her hat.
It was for when she puttered-in-her-garden-type of hat.
She would wear a colorful scarf when she wasn’t wearing a hat.
And when acting as umpire of women’s softball she didn’t wear a hat;
She put on her sporty baseball cap for that.
She also wore a baseball cap to go fishing and not a regular hat.
She fashioned out of chenille and silk flowers, dressy women’s hats.
She would wear one of these for Easter as a church-going hat.
She sometimes wore for dress up, a hot pink with a feather-in-it hat

Mother always seemed to enjoy wearing various types of hats
As an artist going painting in the outdoors she wore a painter’s hat
When she drove to town to shop she wore her go-to-market hat
And when she branded cows, she wore her old working cowboy hat.
Which brings me full circle of the favorites of Mother’s hats
She thoroughly enjoyed wearing her beige felt, cowboy hat.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tedi's Poetry Palace: Chick Magnets coming to SLC, UT

Tedi's Poetry Palace: Chick Magnets coming to SLC, UT: My awesome son,         Jason Wixom stars in . . .             Chick Magnets A comedy rated PG for the entire family At al...

Chick Magnets coming to SLC, UT

My awesome son, 
       Jason Wixom stars in . . .
            Chick Magnets
A comedy rated PG for the entire family
At all 6 of the Megaplex Theaters:
  Starting MARCH 16, 2012.
Bring your entire family & tell 10 more! for                  
         Official movie trailer.
Also see him on:
            You Tube and Facebook.

Red Carpet Premier 10:00 pm
            Mar. 15. Thurs at
Sandy Jordan Commons. Go online
          To check ticket availability

Channel 2 TV will have him on with his
Chick Magnet trio Wed. morning
March 14 around 7:20 a.m.
         Thanks for your support   

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Success by Tedi Tuttle Wixom March 10, 2012

How would you like to succeed in life?
You can, you know.
All the things you need
Are found inside you.

Perhaps you could look
A bit closer regarding
Who you are and
Not what you are.

Eliminate the labels
And you may find
A whole new person
Inside your body;

That soul who seeks to escape
The bands of bondage
Of chains you’ve chosen
To conveniently
And day by day
Routinely wrap
Around yourself with
The words that fall
From your own lips.

Things I Learned at the Publishing Fair by Tedi Wixom 3/7/12 at BYU Provo, UT

     I went to Deseret Book and met Lisa Mangum who had rejected all six of my children’s books in the past six months. She explained it like this, “Over 500 submissions were sent for the Children’s Illustrated story slot, and we only print 2 each year. Hence, don’t feel badly or rejected.”
     I met with a Chinese dude at JollyFishPress. I promptly handed him my fresh example right off the Internet example query letter for King Tut the Novel. He replied, SOL. Oh, he didn’t say that he only meant that. He said. “I would never even look at a query letter that asks questions like this. Even if your story was stellar, I would not look at your novel, because I could not get past the bad query letter.” At least he was honest, and provided some guidance. He said to go to and see how to write a query letter. I couldn’t find the info except three steps 1. The hook, 2. Mini synopsis 3. Writer’s bio. OK that still doesn’t explain what I exactly need to write or how many words, etc.
    The lady from Cedar Fort Publishing in Springville was helpful on a query letter. She said to always thank your editor at the end, and don’t write over 500 words.
May want to checkout the new TM Publishing because they pay 50 % royalties. I’m not sure how that is possible, but it is certainly better than 10 %. Their site is
     For bloggers check out, A parade of blog posts for Writers. Also a magazine called takes poetry and stuff check them out. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

What's On My Mind

What’s on My Mind? by Tedi Tuttle Wixom WED 2/29/12

What’s on my mind? I’ll tell you what’s on my mind
Too many things going on today; I have got to get a LIFE!
I woke up with a little headache to start off the day,
And I desire to cut down on some of the NOISE in my life.
But there stood two big dogs in my yard, so I drove them away
Back to the address on Hazel, the chocolate Lab’s collar;
I don’t like to worry over animals in the city. That was on my mind.

It was garbage day and it was so windy outside that
All the garbage dumpsters were scattered; and papers,
Boxes, wrappers, trash swirled around through the air
And went tumbling down the street. What a day!
And all of that was on my mind.

My 14-year-old didn’t want to go to school and I about
Pulled my hair out on account I couldn’t get him in my van.
I can no longer pick him up and place him in a car seat!
So, I decided to read and take a shower after eating breakfast.
For lunch I made delicious potato soup with homemade bread.
And that was all on my mind.

I read a couple of chapters for my BYU class.
I shopped for groceries and when getting them out to take them in,
One 2-liter juice fell, popped open -- splat on the ground;
It  merged with the rain on the wet blacktop.
Also a plastic bag fell out of the back of the Jeep and
My picante sauce crashed to the driveway. A second loss!
All of that was on my mind.

I put all the groceries away and put on a chicken and rice casserole.
I thought as little as I could, because of my little headache.
I finally took an aspirin and that helped a bit, but what finally
Made my head feel much better and eliminate my pain was
The dozen delicious pot stickers at WinCo, with the apricot sauce.
And those delicious morsels were definitely on my mind, and in my tummy.

So, then it was time to drive to choir practice at Highland High,
On a snowy white blizzardy night with icy slick roads.
I’m glad the snow wasn’t as deep across on the East side of town.
I sang and sang my little lungs and heart out,
And singing all those difficult yet fun songs was on my mind.

I wrote a song last weekend and now I want to take time out
To write another song. Because music is on my mind
And in my heart, and it goes bomp-bomp-bomp!
And twee-dee-diddle-dee-doo.
I listen to Mozart, I listen to hymns, I listen to classical radio;
Music is always on my mind.

I practiced my choir songs for our Spring Concert at my piano
For at least one-and-a-half hours today and the music is difficult.
Then I drove to practice to sing for 2 more hours.
Beautiful moving music, and it is so much fun to sing
With 60 other singers in our Salt Lake Symphonic Choir;
It’s like heaven when I’m singing with them. And that is my life.
Music is always on my mind.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

In the Midst of so Many

So Much on My Mind by Tedi Wixom Nov. 12, 2003 [transcribed 2/19/12] (I was inspired to start a Poetry Journal by Amanda Jensen, who writes a poem daily in her journal. She used to be my bank teller.)
or In the Midst of so Many

Going here, going there on call
Am I going anywhere at all?
Something’s inside my head
Something I truly dread
Living in the city
Being in the city
Praying in the city
Does God really hear me in the midst of so many?

Is there a place in suburban sprawl
To help my mind erase it all –
All the garbage in my head
Piled up from all that’s said
Living in the city
Being in the city
Driving in the city
I cannot concentrate in the midst of so many!

Clear my mind dear Father
You must not think I am a bother
Let me ever praise thee
Let good thoughts elevate me
Living in the city
Breathing in the city
Praying in the city
Grant me strength to trust thee in the midst of so many.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Tedi's Poetry Palace: Is This a Bribe?

Tedi's Poetry Palace: Is This a Bribe?: A Bribe? By Tedi Wixom WED February 8, 2012 I got a call before the South Carolina Caucus. A cheery voice said, “Mr. Obama i...

Tedi's Poetry Palace: Valentine's Day

Tedi's Poetry Palace: Valentine's Day: Valentines Day by Tedi Wixom TUES Feb, 14, 2012 I get excited about Valentine’s Day The time of love and hearts; I think o...

Valentine's Day

Valentines Day by Tedi Wixom TUES Feb, 14, 2012

I get excited about Valentine’s Day
The time of love and hearts;
I think of the people I cherish in life --
The ones who don’t need Cupid’s darts.

I appreciate my neighbors next door
And the ones who lives three houses down;
Also, the ones who live across the street
They are the closest of friends in town.

I love my children and my husband
And I love my grandchildren too.
I’m grateful for the nurture from Jesus
And for the blessings from him that accrue.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tedi's Poetry Palace: My Daughter's Birthday

Tedi's Poetry Palace: My Daughter's Birthday: McKenzie’s Birthday by Tedi Wixom MON Feb. 13, 2012 My dark-haired daughter is turning 12 today. I really don’t want her to g...

My Daughter's Birthday

McKenzie’s Birthday by Tedi Wixom MON Feb. 13, 2012

My dark-haired daughter is turning 12 today.
I really don’t want her to grow up
I don’t want her to change in any way;
I don’t want her to get any older because
I love to watch her paint and play with clay.

She is the one who looks so much like me.
She crochets and knits making vests and caps.
On YouTube she finds designs for origami
And she folds paper into ingenious things;
Art flows from her fingertips I must agree.

She is also brainy in math like her dad
And she reads from books an hour every day
Sometimes her brothers are rude and make her sad
Nonetheless, she sings like a joyous songbird.
I’m honored to be her mother; she makes me glad!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Is This a Bribe?

A Bribe? By Tedi Wixom WED February 8, 2012

I got a call before the South Carolina Caucus.
A cheery voice said, “Mr. Obama is giving away money
            to business owners.
            Would you like to start a business?”
“Yes,” I replied.
The caller needed some information.
She asked, “In what state will your business be located?”
“Utah,” I said.
She replied, “Utah is on our do-not-call list.
            Could you hold a moment while I check something?”
When she returned, she abruptly stated,
            “We aren’t supposed to be calling people in Utah,”
            and she hung up.
This sounds very much like a bribe from Mr. Obama to me.
Utah = Republican voters and
Republican voters = no bribe money for Utah from Mr. Obama.
By the way, what are we going to do
            about that nasty National Debt Mr. Obama?
If dollars were miles, I could travel to the sun
            and back every year for 75,000 years. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Lady Liberty

I'm afraid this is one of my darker poems, however
when more jobs in America are government jobs
and not private sector jobs, that is reprehensible!

Also, we are in massive debt to China, the communists.
Wake up America!! You've been lulled into Socialism already.
See the book Suicide of a Superpower 

National Debt Alert!!
If you think of miles in dollars -
You could travel to the sun and back
75,000 times. Think about it!

Liberty Deceased Tedi Wixom 

Lady Liberty,
   We the people of the United States
   With the right to do anything we please,
Have raped, robbed, and plundered
   ‘til sterile womb produces nothing
Except . . .
   Festering sexual scabs,
   Corruption, greed, and
Lust for cankered gold!

Because we have nothing better to do
   We want to kick you
   And spit in your face
Shoot you with our guns
   Stab you with our knives
And laugh
While the last of your blood
    Into the bay!

Monday, January 30, 2012

To the Moon Alice! To the Sun Mr. Obama!

To the Moon Alice! To the Sun Mr. Obama! SUN January 29, 2012 by Tedi Wixom

Remember on The Honey Mooner’s with Jackie Gleason as Ralph?
When he was displeased with his wife, Alice?
He’d double up his fist and say, “To the Moon Alice! To the Moon!”
Oh really!
How about “To the Sun Mr. Obama, To the Sun!”

The sun is about 93 million miles from Earth.
That is nearly 100,000,000 miles away – 100 million!

Now let’s compare miles to dollars for visualization.
I could travel roundtrip in miles to the Sun and back 5 times
To equal 1,000,000,000 (billion) miles – only 1 billion!

However, our national debt is just over
15,000,000,000,000 dollars – that is 15 trillion!
I could travel approximately 75,000 times roundtrip
To the Sun and back to Earth again.
That is why I believe a balanced budget is good.
Mr. Obama says being in debt to China is more important.
“To the Sun Mr. Obama – 75,000 times. To the Sun!!”
Who wants to join me in wishing him happy bon voyage?

Does this number representing our National Debt seem possible?
Mr. Obama is caring for each of us, (the father of our nation)
So we will never have to worry our pretty little heads about
Awful, nasty, National decisions like the US spending, debt, or budgets.

Who wants a budget anyway? These are the modern times – he croons
No need for things that sound so inconvenient or old fashioned.
Go to your homes; all is well. I am so popular that I can fix everything!
Plus, I am very suave, handsome, and brainy, I did attend Harvard! (Wink wink.)
All the social programs I implement will be for your wellbeing, because you are . . .
I didn’t mean to say stupid, naive, middleclass, or poor, oh no-no-no I would never
Say that out loud for anyone to hear, because I can relate. Been there, done that!
But for today, I am your King!  You are my loyal subjects, so fork over the taxes.

“To the Sun Mr. Obama. To the Sun!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Tedi's Poetry Palace: Where did the month go?

Tedi's Poetry Palace: Where did the month go?: It has been a very quick month. I have been enjoying the spring-like weather we've been having. I thought there for a moment I was living in...

Everything to Me

Jesus is Everything to Me by Tedi Tuttle Wixom January 16, 2012

Jesus the Christ came as a baby in a manger
Roamed on earth as a wondering stranger.
The Bridegroom, my brother, the Bread of Life
The one who came to calm hate the strife.

Prince of Peace, Savior, and King
With his life, hope he doth bring.
Champion of children, the Holy one,
My guardian, example, God’s blessed Son.

Brother, Father, builder, and friend
Creator of Earth and worlds without end.
President, High Priest, neighbor, teacher
To the world simply a crazy upstart preacher.

Prophet, Maker, Mighty One, the Word
Timekeeper, gatekeeper, and humble shepherd.
Law Maker, Peace Maker, the Law, and the Light
Law Giver, Prayer giver, granting the blind sight.

Provider of sustenance, maintenance, architect.
Faithful, a doer, Satan’s plan he wrecked.
Healer, carpenter, builder, creator
Chief among the 12 Tribes and Mediator.

God of Israel and Savior of the World,
Fighter of Freedom with truth’s standard unfurled.
Sinless, ageless, and truth defender;
Angel and Saint, a great blessing sender.

Under appreciated while he lived on Earth
By his resurrection he gave mankind rebirth.
Let us praise his holy name every day
And serve only Him for he is the Way.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Where did the month go?

It has been a very quick month. I have been enjoying the spring-like weather we've been having. I thought there for a moment I was living in Nevada or somewhere warmer. I am writing more all the time. I just submitted five poems to a BYU poetry place. I want to submit more poetry, but I get cooking up a storm in the kitchen and the time is gone! I love to cook and eat and make yummy things. I'm writing one of my favorite recipes every day, so in a few months I'll have a recipe book too. A lot of them are simply stored in my head and I know how to make the stuff, but nobody else has the recipe. I'm glad that my family put together a family favorites cookbook in 1987 before all of my aunts passed on. I love the food they prepared and they are still a part of my life as I cook the recipes that were some of their favorites.

My New Baby!

*My New Baby by Tedi Wixom FRI January 27, 2012

A fridge, a new refrigerator
I’m in love with my new
   sleek, clean, sweet refrigerator.

“How can that be?” You ask.

A fridge, a new refrigerator
I’m in love with my new
   sleek, clean, sweet refrigerator!

“What are you saying?”

A fridge, a new refrigerator
I’m in love with my new
   sleek, clean, sweet refrigerator.

“I thought you said,
‘A fridge, a new refrigerator
I’m in love with my new
   sleek, clean, sweet refrigerator.’

Yes, that is exactly what I said.
It’s because . . .
I love to eat
I love to cook
I love to make food and
Keep it chilled
So when I’m ready to eat it
There it is! -- right in the fridge
Where I put it . . .
   so I can get it out
   and warm it up or
   sip it, sauté it,
   slurp it, stir it,
   or savor it
As soon as I get it out of my fridge;
Then I either share it with my family
Or pig out on it. Yum.

And I have a new refrigerator!
And it’s sparkling white and clean
All ready for me to mess it up
With yummy food for breakfast,
Lunch, snacks, or dinner!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Home

My Home by Tedi Wixom TUES January 17, 2012

I came from a home on high
To my Earth home below for instruction
With parents who could nourish me
And Satan who sought my destruction.

For on Earth I had a mission to perform
But Lucifer thought it a conspiracy
For me to love God and tell others of His plan.
For he relished disorder, chaos, and piracy.

I have a comfy home on Earth;
Some days the jaws of hell stand wide.
For wicked and adulterous mankind here
Take no thought of where in heaven they’ll reside.

When I leave this mortal clay on Earth
And stand immortal by a heavenly greeter.
I know all worldly oaths and curses I’ve endured
Will only make paradise ten times sweeter!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Mrs. Tuttle's Art Class

Mrs. Tuttle’s Art Class by Tedi Wixom JAN 19, 2012

Mrs. Tuttle was a Christian
I’d say she was a Saint
She was my fine art teacher
She was not the type to faint.

She was my good example in class
Wherever she went, I wanted to be
She’d look at me when she talked
And kindly put an arm around me.

She helped dispel the woes of youth
And kept students with poor grades in school
She was caring, fun, and very smart
‘Cause she followed the Golden Rule.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Just doing stuff and thinking ...

I just started taking a class at BYU a couple of weeks ago.
John Bytheway is my teacher at the Salt Lake Center downtown.
He is an amazing teacher, and I've learned so many different aspects
    of viewing the teachings from our text.
It is all very interesting and I'm learning so much.
It is the second half of the Book of Mormon studies.
Go Alma the Younger: you are my hero!!

I simply don't have enough hours in one day to read everything I want to read.
I've been reading about Troy and Greeks and Romans: all of whom I know very little about.
I am working on being a better listener, because listening shows respect.
I'm learning to look people in the eyes when I talk to them because it shows you care.
It's amazing how many people don't look at your face when you talk.
I am so grateful for a new year.

My son Jason is an awesome actor and
I can hardly wait for the movie he is in to be on the big screen.
It is called Chick Magnets.

My youngest daughter, Ali, just turned 10 on Saturday.
She loves Karate and she loves to be crazy.
She wants to be a movie star someday.
She has an awesome singing voice.

So, we go to celebrate Ali's birthday by going to Village Inn for breakfast
And they give only Ali a kid's meal menu.
McKenzie was disappointed. She is in the sixth grade still
And she wanted to order the tiny little chocolate chip pancakes!!
So I explained to the waitress that McKenzie is large for her age.
She then brought a child's menu. That made her happy.

McKenzie is my tallest child. I'm sure she'll be six foot tall someday.
She doesn't even like basketball; she loves to sing, knit, and read.

I submitted 5 children's books for publication last fall and one novel
I have received three rejections so far. Yea. Haven't found the right one yet.
I submitted my book Danny is Different to a publisher in London yesterday.
It is a story about a snake, born with legs. He certainly is different I'd say.
It is an Olympic story, so I thought maybe it would be good timing!
Danny is an awesome soccer player and he has to sneak over to the
     other side of town to play soccer with the cats and dogs.
He goes to the world soccer bowl and brings home the trophy. 
My son Jason is the inspiration for writing this little children's illustrated story.

I've got to get something published soon. It is annoying to have 30 books written
     and none published!!
I'm working on my King Tut Musical as a novel. I've been working on that
     over 2 years. Maybe 8 more months on that.
I want to get my Mother's second book out too. Her life was so awesome.
Anyone who has any thoughts on her life or how she inspired you, or anything
Could you let me know on FB or write me or call me
     and maybe that can be in the appendix. She was an awesome artist and teacher.
She has been dead 10 years as to earth living and I still miss her inspiration.
I still hear her in my head saying, "Tedi, you can do whatever you put your mind to."

To all my awesome friends and family. I love you and appreciate you.
Right now I am painting my house and cleaning. It has been a lot of fun.
This is the beginning of a grand new year and I am doing as much as I can.
I'm trying to be more efficient in my living area.
I love my house; it is comfy and warm.
I love my family, even when they are often a pain in the rear end.
Kids, you've got to love them!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Beautiful Harmony

Beautiful Harmony by Tedi Tuttle Wixom WED Jan 11, 2012

I love to lift my voice in song
     It gives much balm unto my soul
     To sing each day is my ultimate goal
I could sing all day and all night long.
What joy it brings like a warming fire
     As I simply sing do-re-mi
     Better yet as voices blend in harmony
With my Salt Lake Symphonic Choir.

Let Earth Receive Her King

Let Earth Receive Her King by Tedi Wixom Jan. 13, 2012

The framers of the Constitution stand by
     Watchmen of America, their hands tied.
I wonder what they’d think today
     Of the words in their glory day thus penned.
Would they shake their heads in shame
     To witness their works torn asunder?

I pray a blessing on this planet
     In preparation for the reign of Christ
Dear Father swallow up all earthly curses.
     Send us faith in God, with hope in Christ,
And charity toward all men herein;
     May these attributes increase every day.

May a ripple of love emerge like an earthquake
     Rise and reverberate throughout this orb;
May this surge of hope and light go forth
     Through length and breadth of this entire Earth
And like a giant shockwave resonate
     ‘Til it reaches everyone in every clime!

Dear Father aid in healing our humble hearts;
     Break those with flint-like hearts and necks of steel
Replace them with forgiving souls who care;
     Gentle humanity ‘til ev’ry knee bend
And every tongue confess the truth they know
     Let the people of this Earth embrace their King!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Who is Right?

Who is Right? By Tedi Tuttle Wixom MON Jan. 9, 2012

Tiny voices in great number
Are crying out each day
“Where is our right to life?” they ask,
“What is the price you are willing to pay?”

For the world if void of children
Would then have no voices at all;
No people – simply a cluster of houses
And in the cradle a dumb lifeless doll.

The statistics on abortion rates are astounding.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Baking Bread

I love to bake bread and cinnamon rolls and cookies and you name it. I love to bake it … and eat it!!

Baking by Tedi Wixom    January 4, 2012

Baking, I’m baking
I’m making some bread

In goes the water
Yeast, oil, flour and lead

Just kidding you know
Cross off the last said.

Baking, I’m taking
Components for bread

A spoonful of salt
Two spoons of sugar

I’m kneading the bread
I’m raising the bread

I’m punching it down
We’ll soon be all fed

Baking, I’m baking
Mm! Fresh loaves of bread

Supper was yummy
It’s now time for bed!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Pain All Around

Here's what happened Monday to me in poetry form.

January 3, 2012

Pain All Around by Tedi Tuttle Wixom

Aches and pains from neck to ankle
One eyelid keeps a twitching
A tumble I took down the hall
A circumstance not bewitching.

Stepping quickly, blindly I hit a paper-filled crate
Sending me headlong, twisting, bobbing
And there upon the floor I fell
My shinbone and ankle throbbing.

A scream emerged from deep inside
Much like a Banshee on the warpath
I wasn’t sure what all else ailed;
Time out for an Epsom Salt bath!

I propped up my leg and sighed aloud
Placed on some ice bags and then waited
I fell asleep there on the floor with
Pain, I felt excruciated!

Upon my bruises I rubbed some Vicks
With a layer of Aspercream next
On my ankle went some peppermint oil
News I sent to my kids by text!

When I awoke the next morning,
My bruised leg felt stiff and sore
My lower back began to twinge
With muscles throbbing to the core.

My mind seemed dull, my senses gone
Haltingly I hobbled ‘til eight
I tossed down a shot of Monavie
To help me to recuperate.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Today I Sat a Reading . . .

Here it is a new year. Poetry is running around in my mind.
Writers are readers. Here is what was on my mind on Jan. 3, 2012

I read on my bed
I read during breakfast
I read for lunch
Oh how the time passed

I read history online
I read the news
I read in the bathroom
I read before my snooze

 I read from my couch
 I read inside my Jeep
 I read in my recliner
 I read before I went to sleep.

 What things did I read today?

-Atlas of the Greek World by Peter Levi
-Deseret News 
-A History of Ancient Greece, TROY; The Glory That Was Greece by Lewis Jewsbury 1992 [online]
-St. Caldea: The History of Caledonia by John McClarin. 1879, Dunning. Find online at   [Talks about the people who settled Troy.]
-Greece a topic from The New book of Knowledge Encyclopedia 1986
-The Book of Mormon, (I Nephi Chapters 5-7.) Translated by Joseph Smith, Jr. 1830
-Supermoo! by Babette Cole 1993
-The Secret of the King by Rachel Ann Nunes 2005