Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tedi's Poetry Palace: Chick Magnets coming to SLC, UT

Tedi's Poetry Palace: Chick Magnets coming to SLC, UT: My awesome son,         Jason Wixom stars in . . .             Chick Magnets A comedy rated PG for the entire family At al...

Chick Magnets coming to SLC, UT

My awesome son, 
       Jason Wixom stars in . . .
            Chick Magnets
A comedy rated PG for the entire family
At all 6 of the Megaplex Theaters:
  Starting MARCH 16, 2012.
Bring your entire family & tell 10 more!
www.chickmagnetsmovie.com for                  
         Official movie trailer.
Also see him on:
            You Tube and Facebook.

Red Carpet Premier 10:00 pm
            Mar. 15. Thurs at
Sandy Jordan Commons. Go online
          To check ticket availability

Channel 2 TV will have him on with his
Chick Magnet trio Wed. morning
March 14 around 7:20 a.m.
         Thanks for your support   

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Success by Tedi Tuttle Wixom March 10, 2012

How would you like to succeed in life?
You can, you know.
All the things you need
Are found inside you.

Perhaps you could look
A bit closer regarding
Who you are and
Not what you are.

Eliminate the labels
And you may find
A whole new person
Inside your body;

That soul who seeks to escape
The bands of bondage
Of chains you’ve chosen
To conveniently
And day by day
Routinely wrap
Around yourself with
The words that fall
From your own lips.

Things I Learned at the Publishing Fair by Tedi Wixom 3/7/12 at BYU Provo, UT

     I went to Deseret Book and met Lisa Mangum who had rejected all six of my children’s books in the past six months. She explained it like this, “Over 500 submissions were sent for the Children’s Illustrated story slot, and we only print 2 each year. Hence, don’t feel badly or rejected.”
     I met with a Chinese dude at JollyFishPress. I promptly handed him my fresh example right off the Internet example query letter for King Tut the Novel. He replied, SOL. Oh, he didn’t say that he only meant that. He said. “I would never even look at a query letter that asks questions like this. Even if your story was stellar, I would not look at your novel, because I could not get past the bad query letter.” At least he was honest, and provided some guidance. He said to go to Jollyfishpress.com and see how to write a query letter. I couldn’t find the info except three steps 1. The hook, 2. Mini synopsis 3. Writer’s bio. OK that still doesn’t explain what I exactly need to write or how many words, etc.
    The lady from Cedar Fort Publishing in Springville was helpful on a query letter. She said to always thank your editor at the end, and don’t write over 500 words.
May want to checkout the new TM Publishing because they pay 50 % royalties. I’m not sure how that is possible, but it is certainly better than 10 %. Their site is tmpublishingllc.com
     For bloggers check out inkPageant.com, A parade of blog posts for Writers. Also a magazine called Seagullah.org takes poetry and stuff check them out.