Friday, January 27, 2012

Where did the month go?

It has been a very quick month. I have been enjoying the spring-like weather we've been having. I thought there for a moment I was living in Nevada or somewhere warmer. I am writing more all the time. I just submitted five poems to a BYU poetry place. I want to submit more poetry, but I get cooking up a storm in the kitchen and the time is gone! I love to cook and eat and make yummy things. I'm writing one of my favorite recipes every day, so in a few months I'll have a recipe book too. A lot of them are simply stored in my head and I know how to make the stuff, but nobody else has the recipe. I'm glad that my family put together a family favorites cookbook in 1987 before all of my aunts passed on. I love the food they prepared and they are still a part of my life as I cook the recipes that were some of their favorites.

My New Baby!

*My New Baby by Tedi Wixom FRI January 27, 2012

A fridge, a new refrigerator
I’m in love with my new
   sleek, clean, sweet refrigerator.

“How can that be?” You ask.

A fridge, a new refrigerator
I’m in love with my new
   sleek, clean, sweet refrigerator!

“What are you saying?”

A fridge, a new refrigerator
I’m in love with my new
   sleek, clean, sweet refrigerator.

“I thought you said,
‘A fridge, a new refrigerator
I’m in love with my new
   sleek, clean, sweet refrigerator.’

Yes, that is exactly what I said.
It’s because . . .
I love to eat
I love to cook
I love to make food and
Keep it chilled
So when I’m ready to eat it
There it is! -- right in the fridge
Where I put it . . .
   so I can get it out
   and warm it up or
   sip it, sauté it,
   slurp it, stir it,
   or savor it
As soon as I get it out of my fridge;
Then I either share it with my family
Or pig out on it. Yum.

And I have a new refrigerator!
And it’s sparkling white and clean
All ready for me to mess it up
With yummy food for breakfast,
Lunch, snacks, or dinner!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Home

My Home by Tedi Wixom TUES January 17, 2012

I came from a home on high
To my Earth home below for instruction
With parents who could nourish me
And Satan who sought my destruction.

For on Earth I had a mission to perform
But Lucifer thought it a conspiracy
For me to love God and tell others of His plan.
For he relished disorder, chaos, and piracy.

I have a comfy home on Earth;
Some days the jaws of hell stand wide.
For wicked and adulterous mankind here
Take no thought of where in heaven they’ll reside.

When I leave this mortal clay on Earth
And stand immortal by a heavenly greeter.
I know all worldly oaths and curses I’ve endured
Will only make paradise ten times sweeter!