Over the years my mother wore
various types of hats.
Her mother designed and made fancy
ladies’ hats
Mother’s favorite headgear was a
regular cowboy hat
And she possessed several of those
amazing hats:
Beige felt, yellow straw, and an
awesome white cowboy hat.
These three were dressy with a
feather, for work, and everyday hats
In the summer she wore a
wide-brimmed straw hat,
One that sported a pink ribbon
around-the-base of her hat.
It was for when she
puttered-in-her-garden-type of hat.
She would wear a colorful scarf
when she wasn’t wearing a hat.
And when acting as umpire of
women’s softball she didn’t wear a hat;
She put on her sporty baseball cap
for that.
She also wore a baseball cap to go
fishing and not a regular hat.
She fashioned out of chenille and
silk flowers, dressy women’s hats.
She would wear one of these for
Easter as a church-going hat.
She sometimes wore for dress up, a
hot pink with a feather-in-it hat
Mother always seemed to enjoy
wearing various types of hats
As an artist going painting in the
outdoors she wore a painter’s hat
When she drove to town to shop she
wore her go-to-market hat
And when she branded cows, she
wore her old working cowboy hat.
Which brings me full circle of the
favorites of Mother’s hats
She thoroughly enjoyed wearing her
beige felt, cowboy hat.