Let Earth Receive Her King by Tedi Wixom Jan. 13, 2012
The framers of the Constitution stand by
Watchmen of America, their hands tied.
I wonder what they’d think today
Of the words in their glory day thus penned.
Would they shake their heads in shame
To witness their works torn asunder?
I pray a blessing on this planet
In preparation for the reign of Christ
Dear Father swallow up all earthly curses.
Send us faith in God, with hope in Christ,
And charity toward all men herein;
May these attributes
increase every day.
May a ripple of love emerge like an earthquake
Rise and reverberate throughout this orb;
May this surge of hope and light go forth
Through length and breadth of this entire Earth
And like a giant shockwave resonate
‘Til it reaches everyone in every clime!
Dear Father aid in healing our humble hearts;
Break those with flint-like hearts and necks of steel
Replace them with forgiving souls who care;
Gentle humanity ‘til ev’ry knee bend
And every tongue confess the truth they know
Let the people of this Earth embrace their King!